One of my favorite mentors, the Great Joe Schroeder, always says, "You don't have to get it right, just get it going." No truer words have been spoken! If you hold out waiting to make the perfect video or write the most appealing ad copy, you will never get ahead.
People are looking for real people they can follow. If you have something to say, chances are there are people out there just waiting to hear you.
Don't wait for perfection, you will hone your talents as you progress and, in the meantime, you will gain followers, put up content and get it going!
People are looking for leaders they know, like and trust. Not everyone is looking for a slick, hot shot type to follow. If you come across as the real you in your writing and your videos, you will make people feel comfortable.
Shoot a video outdoors, with your children or your pets, at the beach, park - be interesting. Let people get an idea of who you are. Do you have a hobby that you love? Share it with your audience! This is attraction marketing at its best.
People will be attracted to you because of your interests and personality. After all, don't you want to work with people who click with you?
Trying too hard can often show up on video - just speak from your heart, cover information you know, and be consistent. When you learn something new or read something interesting, share it! Be interested in your business.
Do a video, write a blog, publish an ezine article all on the same subject. Use content in a variety of forms.
REMEMBER - You don't have to get it right, just get it going! Once you get it going, be consistent - do something every day, no excuses!
Liz Bronson - an enthusiastic home-based network marketer. Interested in life-long learning and sharing information. A believer in the idea of "Pay it Forward" - what you give away you get to keep! MORE ABOUT LIZ
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