Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Network Marketing Tip - Do Not be Obnoxious

Ever enter a store and have the salesperson 
greet you and proceed to follow you throughout
the store asking . . .

"Can I help you?"  

"Do you want me to start a fitting room?"

All you wanted was a little peace and quiet
to browse around.

Well, same thing with network marketing

watch my latest video 

Network Marketing Tip - Do Not be Obnoxious

Posted via email from Liz Bronson's Posterous

Monday, October 25, 2010


Just wanted to give you advance notice - 
Tuesday night
Diane Hochman will be giving her
She's going back to the basics to help people get past all the hype
(and there sure is plenty of that going around :)
So, hope to hear you on the call

Tuesday @ 9 pm est
1-414 944-0004
Pass code 9774024#
I've been training with Diane for about a year now and one
thing is for sure - she delivers the goods!
No nonsense (well, some goofing around and fun) and
definitely No Hype!
See you tomorrow :)

Posted via email from Liz Bronson's Posterous

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Happy September Everyone!

It's back to school and back to business.

To kick off the exciting Fall we have ahead of us, 
Home and Small Business Network is holding an Open House 
(sort of our version of back to school night :)

Stop over tonight between 8 and 10 EDT at 

414-944-0004 passcode 9774024#

Come find out all the exciting things in store for Fall 2010 
at HSBN.

Bring questions about your business.  Find out what personal
branding can do for your business exposure.

This group is not only for the home-based business owner.

Do you have your own small business?  Plumbers, landscapers,
realtors, attorneys, chiropractors and so many more can learn
from the training at Home and Small Business Network.

I hope to see you there.  We are a very relaxed, dedicated 
group and I look forward to having you as my guest on the 
call tonight!

Can't make it for the entire 2 hour open house - no worries 
pop on between 8-10 and listen in or ask questions and then
leave when you need to!

I know how it is, my son just started high school today - I'm
sure we'll be running out for supplies at some time tonight :)

414-944-0004 passcode 9774024#

Cya there!

Liz - sign up to receive updates and call schedules

(973) 714-2658 my cell

Recorded Joe Schroeder WORLD MESSAGE
-----save the planet from mediocrity24/7 recording 
1-800-772-9781 EXT 10

Posted via email from Liz Bronson's Posterous

Best Of Better Networker - Volume 5

Best Of Better Networker - Volume 5

Monday, August 16, 2010

Don't say I didn't tell you

Change is good!

Let's face it, it's very easy to sit in the same place day after day saying "Woe is

me - I didn't make prom queen, my parents didn't love me, my job sucks, it's

all because of the government - I can't do anything about it, yadda, yadda, yadda :)


I did - You can too

I'm giving you a number to call.  Grab a pen a paper and call - they will want to know who sent you - tell them Liz Bronson is your benefactor.

They will want $13 from you - can you imagine - $13 - is it a SCAM??  Must be,

no one ever asks for money in return for information you can wrap your

hands and head around, right? WRONG

All I can tell you is, I am part of this community and I have been blessed to

witness the changes in people.  People who have gone from "poor me" to

"Look out world here I come!"

So, what's the big deal and where do I call you are asking . . .

CALL 1-800-772-9781 EXT. 10 (24/7 recorded message)

Like I said before have a pen/paper - follow the instructions and

order the Book/4 CD set.  If you love it - yippee!  If you don't love it

- well, never mind EVERYONE loves it!

BUT . . .

If you don't love it, no worries you're only out $13 and you can probably sell the set to someone who is really interest for at least $20 so no one will lose.

Oh yeah! Here's that number again 1-800-772-9781 Ext. 10

When's the last time you picked up a book for $13 (never mind all the free goodies).

There's an extra bonus - but you will have to call the number to find out!

Let me know when you get your package in the mail.  I'd love to chat about it!

Talk soon,



Posted via email from Liz Bronson's Posterous

Monday, August 9, 2010

Stop living in Mediocrity - How $13 can change the way you think about EVERYTHING!

If you do not have Joe Schroeder's book and cds he is running a SILLY special this month
His Disciplines of Doership Book and 4 cds plus a 2 week trial membership to the March
for $12.95
Everyone NEEDS this book - the message inside is changing lives.
If you don't enjoy the club just cancel...but where else can you get a book like 
this and 4 cds for the price of a pizza?
Grab a pen and papers and Listen to 800 772-9781 ext 10 for details
then you will call live operators to order.
If you decide you don't want to join the March - no worries, but
you should take advantage of the offer - a book and 4 cds - tell me,
how often do you see that kind of offer?
If you order the book, let me know!
You can call me at 973-714-2658 or
Learn more about me at
Hope you take advantage of this offer - I don't know how
long it will last, but it's well worth it.
800-772-9781 ext 10 (bring pen and paper)

Posted via email from Liz Bronson's Posterous

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Crafting Your Story - How to Get People to Remember YOU

we'll be discussing the importance of crafting your story.

You know how you remember when someone tells you something in a story instead
of just rattling off a bunch of information.

I tell ya, if I had learned History in high school through historic novels instead of
the text books - remembers, dates, place, etc., I would have been a history whiz!


Stop by tonight, join the group over at Home and Small Business World
for some free story writing training!

This is generic training for any home-based or small business owner.

Learn how the perfectly crafted story can get your clients/customers running
for their credit cards 

Cya tonight!  Don't be shy - Say "Hi" 

9 pm est
414 944-0004
pass code 9774024#

Liz Bronson

leave your name and number
I'll keep you updated on other free calls/trainings

Posted via email from Liz Bronson's Posterous

Monday, July 19, 2010

Extreme Makeover - Home & Small Business Edition

She's wild and crazy, lots of fun
and a little (well maybe a lot) unorthodox

but one thing's for sure

Diane Hochman knows her stuff.

Watch out for what is happening at

Home and Small Business World - It's July and
things are really heating up!

Tuesday Night July 20 at 9:00 pm EST 414-944-0004 pass code 9774024#

Diane will pick a few people from the audience

She will tear down their businesses

She will give helpful ideas for rebuilding their businesses

So - grab your hard hat, maybe some steel toed boots
'cause the dust is gonna be flyin' - don't miss this
live demonstration!

Maybe your business will be one of the lucky ones to
get a makeover!

9 EST 414-944-0004 pass code 9774024#

Wishing you Peace & Prosperity,

Liz Bronson

(973) 714-2658 my cell

Posted via email from Liz Bronson's Posterous

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hold onto something, this will knock you off your feet!

Are you sitting?  Okay, now read on :)

Good Until SATURDAY 6-19-10

Please listen to the LANDMARK offer

1-800-772-9781 Ext 44

Valid through SATURDAY June 19

New KNIGHTS at the Round Table $78 members

Free: $217 cash Flow Recruiting machine manual

Save $217 because those when you sign-up by SATURDAY, you get that free shipped to your home

Free: $397 Joe Schroeder AD COPY tela-summit Free

Comes with 18 page work-book / learn AD COPY hypnotism
All of Joe's ads, magazine ads, flyers, ect, exposed and explained

Free: $97 eBook, MONEY MASTERY

So, this is all you have to do:

CALL 1-800-772-9781 Ext 44 (this message explains the offer)

LISTEN TO extension # 14----1-800-772-9781

Free packages (save over $700) shipped to your home

RESIDUAL......You earn $30 per month per member!

Join Today / not billed $78 per month until
starting SATURDAY 6-19-10

FTC requires me to tell you that 
I can make some money when you take advantage of this offer! 

Only a few days left to get all this fun free stuff!

Order today and get on the next private members call - that's
where you want to be - part of the inside circle of learning,
inspiration and doership.

Wishing you Peace & Prosperity,

Liz Bronson

(973) 714-2658 my cell

When you call, they will ask you who sent you - That would be me - The Great LIZ BRONSON :)

Posted via email from Liz Bronson's Posterous

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Wishing you Peace & Prosperity,

Liz Bronson

(973) 714-2658 my cell

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liz Bronson <>
Date: Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 10:47 AM
To: liz <>

I love the month of June . . .
Fireflies, longer days, Father's Day, Graduation, Weddings
To me June is the month of many life changes - it is also the middle
of the year.  Have you stayed on track with your New Year's resolutions?
There is still half the year to complete many of the goals you may have set.
One day you are the 18 year old anxious to head off on the adventure of LIFE. . .
you turn around and you are Grampa watching your grandchild's graduation!
The carefree June Bride is soon making a baby shower for her baby.
It does feel like time goes so quickly, but when you make each day an adventure,
an opportunity to give of yourself and to learn, these days will have so much
more meaning to them.
One of my teachers, the Great Joe Schroeder, always says -
"A life worth living is a life worth recording."
Sure, me all have those mundane day-to-day tasks to do, but 
when you take the time at the end of the day to review, in
writing what you did, you will see that each day has room
for magic.
There is potential for grace in every new sunrise, but it is not
going to hit you over the head - go out and look for it in every
day and in each encounter.  It's there - you just need to be
I have been in my car in traffic and seen an amazing
rainbow.  My first inclination is to tell everyone around me
to look up and take in the majesty before them.
So, I'm putting down my windows and pointing up
and some of the people don't even notice me - the
crazy lady in the car next to them - never mind the 
Now, the other people that do notice, they share
in the beauty with me and, for just that short moment
all the stress and concerns of the day melt away.
As strangers, we share a moment as fellow brothers
and sisters admiring something created - as if only
for our eyes!
So, enjoy this beautiful day.  Hold onto each grain of
sand for a precious second before it passes through
the hourglass.
I wish you Peace & Prosperity.
Liz Bronson




65 Madison Avenue, Suite 333, Morristown, NJ 07960, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Posted via email from Liz Bronson's Posterous

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Network Marketers - Beware of the Hypnotism Out There

Network Marketers - Have you been Hypnotized, Mesmerized out of your Money?

You know the feeling . . .

You hop on the webinar, get on the call for that great
new launch - the one that is going to “change your life.”

Oh,yeah, you must get in on the ground floor or be
left in the dust - just another loser. . .

Your eyes glaze over, you get that warm, feel-good feeling
in your gut - you just know - THIS IS IT!!!!      This time I’m
gonna get in, get going and become the next big time entrepreneur.

You’re going for your wallet -
You’re gonna do it -
You tell yourself, “Oh, I’ll save for summer vacation again, no one will miss the
money - besides, I’ll make it back and then some before the
month is out.”

Sound familiar???

Okay, so you get the biz in a box or the next great program and your excited,
you open the packages and browse through everything.  It’s like your
Birthday, gifts for you - and they are going to make you RICH, INDEPENDENT.

Flash forward two weeks - 

So, how much have you made?  How’s that downline coming along?

Truth -

The package of stuff is on your shelf with all the other “Must Haves” of the past.
You are out $$$ and you never applied what was in the book, cds or videos.

It’s all the fault of the company - the information was not easy, it wasn’t for you,
it was a come-on to get you to part with your money - AGAIN.

See a pattern here?  Truth is the info in the box or book or whatever does work,
but YOU did not take the time to even finish reading it, never mind apply it.

Like most folks, you were, once again, MESMERIZED into believing the story.
You didn’t consider the product or what you would do with it, you just listened to
the story that you wanted to hear.  The story of success that you can have by using
this product. (Key word here - USING the product)

And, there you have it, my friend, BUYER’S REMORSE!   
Now, when I count to three, you will wake up, feeling refreshed and
ready to think before you shell out more dough on the next gimmick.

You will go back to your business and apply what you already know -
and you do know a hell of a lot - admit it!

You will see results.  Then, and only then, will you consider buying
another product.

You don’t need more STUFF.  You need a community of people to
hang with, mastermind with and learn from.  That is where you
time and money is well spent!

Okay, you can wake up now :)
Wishing you Peace & Prosperity,

Liz Bronson

(973) 714-2658 my cell

Posted via email from Liz Bronson's Posterous

Monday, May 17, 2010



MILLION MIND MARCH NIGHT! 9:27 EST 641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

Oh, I love a new week!

Never under-estimate your personal power!

Disciplines of Doership – Don’t get it? Call in at 9:27 p.m.EST

Always expect the best

Yesterday is gone, let’s focus on making today the best day yet!


Just havin’ a little fun with MONDAY!  You can too, it’s all in your attitude. Take control of your own happiness – Today – Right Now!!!


Need a little more lift than your half-caff latte this morning?  Call 1-800-772-9781 Ext. 10 or 40    Get a little inspiration to start your day.

Have a Marvelous Monday!  

Now, what can we do with Tuesday J

Posted via email from lizbronson's posterous

Monday, May 10, 2010


Wishing you Peace & Prosperity,

Liz Bronson

(973) 714-2658 my cell
(sign up for updates & free webinars)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liz Bronson <>
Date: Mon, May 10, 2010 at 3:55 PM
To: liz <>


We celebrated Mother's Day yesterday, which got me thinking . . .

We teach them to

-       Say please and thank you

-       Cover your mouth when you cough

-       Wash your hands before eating

-       Say your prayers before bed

-       Be polite to your elders

-       Don't talk to strangers

etc., etc., etc. . . . .

BUT - do we teach them how to think like a successful person?

By our example do they learn that we can do anything we set our minds to?

I suggest using each and every day as another opportunity to tell your children

how great they are - and what a wonderful world of opportunity we have to call home.

It is NEVER too soon to teach your children to bury the words I CAN'T

Teach them that they may not know how yet, but that does not mean they CAN'T

At the Million Mind March we actually make headstones and bury the words I CAN'T

You, too, can do this - make it a family project.  Keep the headstone as a reminder that

you have buried the words I CAN"T and they are gone forever!!!

When doubt sets in, point to the headstone J

Want to learn more Success Tactics? 

Want to learn how to think like Oprah Winfrey, George Washington, Bono, or anyone else who has been hugely successful in life???

Join us tonight for

Mind-set / Celebration of Life

Pick up The Mechanics of Wealth CD/Booklet today!

Call Time: Monday night 9:27 PM EST COAST TIME
1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

24 East Circuit Drive, Succasunna, NJ 07960, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Posted via email from lizbronson's posterous

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I am going out on a limb here. This is not my usual stuff, but I need to give a voice to my feelings - so hang tight.
My family spends summer vacation in Cape Cod every year. Summer of 2009 found us there on the day the Senator Edward Kennedy lost his battle with Brain Cancer.
Whatever your politics, this does not matter. The attached photo was taken at a makeshift memorial to Kennedy at the Kennedy museum in Hyannis.
What will my legacy be? Can I make the underdog feel like he has an advocate?
I was reminded of this photo this week when I learned of a high school senior who took his life.
Only a few months away from graduation, he was unable to hold out any longer.
This weighs heavily on my soul - 
I did not know this boy, do not know his name, but the story just drove home the feeling that a gaping hole is left where a life was just beginning.
May this desperate situation help to remind us that we need to watch out for our children and the elderly, those who may suffer in quiet desperation - who may feel alone in a crowded room.
Never minimize the positive effect that a few kind words or a little time to listen to someone can have on a life.
I do not know the details of this boy's depression or family, but I do know that he must have felt desperate and I do know that he is one of many kids who find life difficult. We should never ignore this or right it off as teenage angst.
School is tough - I don't think teachers or administrators even have a clue of half the hate and bullying that goes on.
Open your eyes my friends, look around for the underdog - give of yourself - know that you can make a positive impact on someone's day and life.
Teach this to your kids - bullying should never be acceptable 
We cannot save this lost child, but perhaps his passing can remind us to open our hearts and eyes and watch for those in need
May all those who are lonely find a friend, may all those who suffer find a shoulder to lean on and may each of us be blessed enough to be in the right place at the right time to make a difference.
Rest In Peace Young Man - Your passing was not a waste - it has served to stir my heart and mind and to remind me to never look past the underdog again.

Thank you all for giving me a space to share my heart - perhaps I will sleep better tonight!

Monday, April 19, 2010


If you have a home-based business, or you are just 
interested in starting one, you should know -

There is a lot more to business than making money!

If you have a mindset that only revolves around
making money, you will probably be part of the
97% that fails in this industry.

Want  to learn why What You Give Away You Get To Keep?

Are you interested in studying the mindset of successful people
like Madonna, Elvis, Bill Clinton, George Washington, Ben Franklin?

Be my guest - hop on our community call open to the public


9:27 PM -est

1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

Open freedom revival call

with Joe Schroeder and the Million Mind March

Bring a friend - it's free and there is no pressure to join

but. . .


To get started and join, our 24 Hour VM line
is 1-800-772-9781 Ext 14

leave my name, Liz Bronson (as your sponsor), credit card info 

and your name and address

it's $78 month and earns $30 per member

TONIGHT we help more people and celebrate victory!

I wish you Peace & Prosperity    Sign up for more free surprises and call schedule - follow me here - let's tweet

Let's keep the FTC happy -
Part of this email may be advertising for
a business I am involved with.  If you purchase
something, I may receive some money.  

Anyway, I have to tell you because it's the law, 

but I keep you updated because I am interested in helping you reach your goals.

What you give away you always get to keep

Posted via email from lizbronson's posterous

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


iF you think SOMEone Else is wOrRied about

whether you  will REALIZE YOUR dreams

Think again, mY fRIEnd . . .


WilL YOU release YOUrsELF from BONDAGE?




Since most of us were about five years of age (can you

remember back then?) We were in BONDAGE –

HONESTLY – who WOULD do that to a child???

Well, parents, schools, religious institutions to start with!


THAT’S RIGHT . . . we went from the sand box to the SAND TRAP


When to get up

What to wear

When to speak

Even when to pee!  Can you imagine?

If THIS is not BONDAGE – I beg you TELL ME WHAT IS!!!


Okay,  you MAY say this is to teach KIDS how  tO suRviVE

In SOCIETY.  But HEAVEN help the kid (or adult)

Who doesn’t toe the line – who actually may

Question (huh – GASP!!!) What they have been told  . . .

That KID is quickly LABELED trouble, bad apple, “doesn’t

Respect AUTHORITY.  Oh my!!!


Well, I happen to know a place that actually CELEBRATES

The LITTLE GUY, the bad apple, we  LOVE those who speak

UP and QUESTION authority!


Call this number NOW  1-800-772-9781 EXT. 10


Start YOUR VENTURE today





Tell Joe that Liz (Queen B) Bronson sent you!

Follow me on FaceBook:

Follow me on Twitter:

Sign up for Updates:

My training videos:

New Green Social Media Site

*The sender of this email receives compensation when products and services featured here in are purchased.
Results are unique, your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement,
some just for fun, and some just a WV chick
trying to help decent folks along the way.

It's the law that I tell you that I might make money and that you could or could not.

Posted via email from lizbronson's posterous

Monday, March 1, 2010

WHAT IF . . .

I was just remembering a song from a few years back that went . . .

"What if God was one of us, just a stranger on the bus

trying to make his way home . . ."

Well, what if?

The sloppy looking guy sitting across from you on the bus -

The angry mother with four kids in tow -

The driver in the car next to you texting with one hand and smoking with the other - 

So, you see them, and you may judge them - they may piss you off.


What if you didn't judge any of those folks by their outward appearance.

WHAT IF the sloppy guy across from you had a mental disorder and no one to help him
know to get his act together . . .

WHAT IF the "mom" you saw with the four kids was actually the sister of the woman who
lost her battle with cancer - the sister who stepped in to take over the care of her nieces and nephews?

WHAT IF the person on the cell phone and smoking in the car next to you was on the way to the emergency room and was so distraught  . . .    Okay - no excuse for texting and driving - we don't need extra people in the E.R. - pull over!

Get my point???  We can't presume to know anyone else's story.  We truly cannot judge a book by its cover.  Imagine if you were judged by everything you ever did, said or wore - not a great feeling, huh?

I invite you to join me in the JUDGMENT FREE ZONE - 
Tonight and every Monday at 9:27 EST
Call 641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

Feel free to be yourself.  We are a group of super doers, people who literally bury the words "I Can't"

We believe that everyone has something to offer 
Everyone can be more of him or herself
Everyone can become Ten Feet Tall and Bullet Proof 

Can't wait until 9:27 EST?  

Call 641-594-7000 PIN 600088# for a 24/7 recorded shot in the arm :)

Posted via email from lizbronson's posterous

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


As network marketers, our first instinct is to market our product or our opportunity. Most opportunities provide a template-type website, which all affiliates use to market the product. THE PROBLEM - 1. The product you and thousands of others are marketing is the same; 2. The website everyone uses is the same; 3. This is not your own business, you are simply another cog in a big corporate wheel. THE SOLUTION - 1. Market yourself. Through your videos, blogs, ezine articles and teleconferences, allow people to get to know you; 2. People will buy from and sign up under those they feel they know, they like and they trust. If you are seen all over the place, people will get familiar with you - they will gravitate toward you (not your product); 3. Once people know you, they will naturally become interested in what you are doing and ask about your products; 4. In marketing YOU, you are not limiting yourself to one product or opportunity. 5. You can become an affiliate to a number of companies and you can help people in their businesses by sending them to resources you use; 6. Happy with your autoresponder, site builder, web host? Become an affiliate and market these sites, send your team members to these sites to build their businesses. You are unique, allow it to come through in what your write and in your videos. Be genuine - people are attracted to real people. Be willing to share information. As you learn through mistakes, training, reading, etc., pass on what you learn. Some of the best information you can share is by telling people where you went wrong, what you did to correct the problem, and the positive outcome (hopefully there is one). Give of yourself, be yourself, and you are well on your way to a happy future!

Posted via email from lizbronson's posterous

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Is your business missing IT? - You know, that certain energy is just missing

Have you put money before people - and yet the money just does not
seem to be there?

Are you doing everything your upline instructs you to do, but
something is missing?

YOU need to get in touch with YOU!!!!!

It is time to put aside the next greatest, get everyone to follow you gimmick

It is time to look inside - that's right INSIDE

INSIDE your Head inside your HEART

The Amen series of freedom REVIVAL calls
1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

MON + TUES + WED @ 9:27 PM *est

Posted via email from lizbronson's posterous

Friday, January 1, 2010



I hope 2009 was a memorable year for you, but now we are on to 2010
and a new decade!

Starting today (the big day of fresh starts and resolutions), I
suggest you try a few tricks to start seeing more results and success
in your business.

Only you know how much or how little you have put into your business
so far.

My first suggestion is, whatever you have been doing, do 10 percent more.

It is not that difficult - Stay with me!

1. Pick three activities that you can do EVERY day - here are some examples

a. Write a quick blog post

b. Shoot and upload a 3-5 minute video

c. Chat with at least 5-10 new people daily on FaceBook,
Twitter, FriendFeed

d. Reserve 5 to 15 minutes (or more) daily to read relevant
books (biographies of great business people, books on network
marketing, books on prosperity and the Law of Attraction (Think and
Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is a classic and must read)

e. Start thinking of your business as just that - a business.
If you treat it like a hobby
and skip days of putting up content you will not reap the benefits
that you will through hard work.


If you think you can't - you won't, and you do not belong in this business!

Follow these steps for 45 days - you should start seeing results.
Don't give up on day 20 because you think you are working so hard and
nothing is happening.

Giving up too soon is why so many people fail to ever make any money
in MLM/network marketing.


My wish for you this year is success. I wish to follow your success
and hear about your success as you move forward!

To your Prosperous 2010!~

Liz - bury the words I Can't - more about me - FREE social media training

973-714-2658 - If I can assist you, feel free to call!

Posted via email from lizbronson's posterous

My Blog List